Category: Poetry-Art

‘how to find politically sound love’ (an illustrated excerpt)

The poem, without the illustration, was first published in Muse India ‘Ecriture Feminine’, vol ed. Semeen Ali. Issue: 69, Sep-Oct, 2016. This is work in progress as I hope to illustrate the whole poem soon. ‘How to Find Politically Sound Love’For my daughter find love that doesn’t sweep you awayyour feetthose you will needfind love […]

i want

I want to walkmy hands swinginglong and freeif these roads were notcobbled eyesbut spun treesflowers would becomefences or paths at my feet I want to suspend thoughtwear old jeanspull that thorn outof her cracked feetan inside out shirtno buttons, no seams I want to walk besidemy daughterthat old woman therewith a heart as youngas a […]