
Publications | Book Chapters:

  • Book on Bollywood Masquerade based on PhD research and further research work on the issue of disguise, duplication and multiplication of identity read through a post-colonial feminist intersectional theorisation is forthcoming from Orient BlackSwan.
  • Republication of “Tough Love: Reading the Politics of Desire and Violence in Omkara” in Author to Auteur: Theories and Film Adaptations edited by Higyasa H Sondhi and Himadri Roy, New Delhi: Worldview Publications for the students of Delhi University.
  • Adaptation as ‘Becoming Other’. A Deleuzian Study of the film Omkara (V. Bhardwaj)” in In/dépendance des cinemas Indiens: Cartographie des formes, des genres et des regions/ In/dependence of Indian cinemas: Cartography of forms, genres and regions ed. Amandine D’Azevedo and Térésa Faucon, Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2016. (This research paper is a part of the ‘additional reading section’ of the ‘Body, Text Performance’ paper in the MA English Syllabus at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.)
  • Tough Love; Reading the Politics of Violence and Desire in the film Omkara, an Adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Othello” in Deconstructing the Stereotype: Reconsidering Indian Culture, Literature and Cinema ed. Kaustav Chakraborty, Hamburg: Anchor Academic Publishing, 2014.
  • Captive and/or Captivating Bodies: The Collapse of the Aesthetic and Political in the People of India” as a chapter in Word, Image, Text; Studies in Literary and Visual Culture, eds. Shormistha Panja et al, New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2009.
  • A Dramatic Film: Performative Politics in Peter Brook’s Mahabharata” as a chapter in Narratives of Indian Cinema, ed. Manju Jain, Delhi: PRIMUS Books, 2009.
  • The Trial and Errors of Warren Hastings: Political Morality and Empire” as a chapter in the special M. Phil. Commemorative Volume of the Yearly Review, Department of English, University of Delhi, Number 14, 2006.

Academic Journals:

  • “Masquerading Femininity: Of Horror, Revenge and Madness in the film ‘Ek Hasina Thi’ in Muse India, The Literary E Journal, Vol. 85 (May-June 2019).
  • Outside the Frame; The Representation of the Hijra in Bombay Cinema” in ‘Face(t)s of Woman: Gender in the Indian Cultural Context’, Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, Journal of Australian National University, Issue 22, October 2009, available at
  • Interview given on the basis of this article to CNN International on the release of the film Laxmi.

Articles and Book Reviews: